Why Use Social Media Advertising?

Because social media advertising helps businesses find new potential clients by using users' own shared information to identify interest. Rather than reactively targeting users who search a certain term, social media advertising proactively targets relevant users before they even begin their search.

  • Social media is one of the last places where advertisers can create ads that don’t “feel” like ads.
  • Social ads are highly compatible with the type of market that uses the platform.
  • Social ads put you in charge of cost. In traditional advertising, you pay a printing fee, a color fee (you see where this is going). With social ads, there is just one fee to the advertising platform, and you decide what it is. You decide the daily or lifetime ad spend, and can target your audience in ways that traditional ads just can’t do.
  • Social media advertising allows you to reach your maximum audience possible by allowing you to target by gender, language, location, age, and interests among others. No more paying for people who aren’t relevant. No more guessing, or slapping up a billboard and hoping the right people see it.
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