[5] Types of Facebook Ads That Really Work!

AMC: Simply Facebook


Here's useful tactic that is well used by Fiverr: The ad leads straight to a targeted landing page instead of Fiverr's home page. Remember that getting people to click on your ads is only one goal, the rest depends on making them convert to customers. Getting them to sign up is a big deal!


Ads that create !emotions! have a much greater click-through rate, as well as conversions.

If you're like most people, now you're feeling a little excited and curious. And it mainly has to do with the fact that you've just pictured (felt) yourself opening that very same box.

By using images of people holding the products in their hands, Try The World fully feeds your imagination and makes you think of the positive emotions that the products would make you experience. I mean… Who wouldn't like a colorful box full of delicious exotic food?? Yumm!!

(very) EXCITING Video!

Red Bull isn't simply an energy drink producer. Have you ever checked their website? Red Bull is the King of Content Marketing, creating videos of extreme sports all over the world. (Emotion again, this time the spirit of adventure)

And they also know how to use videos to their full potential in Facebook ad campaigns. By creating highly targeted campaigns that showcase fascinating videos, Red Bull has managed to create (and maintain) a very strong bond between extreme sport and their energy drink.

When AMC creates ad campaigns that include images, we make sure to use an interesting opening image(s) and make the first seconds of the ad so compelling that people will want to see the full story.

Stylized & Minimized! 

While Facebook allows up to 500 characters in the ad text, there's no need to use all of it. Instead, shorter ad copy can work wonders as it's easier to read and doesn't require people to devote much of their time to reading your message. (this is very important)

Here's another thing we liked about this particular Nike ad. Did you notice how well the image aligns with text messages? By showcasing some options of customized shoes, Nike feeds your imagination (sparks a feeling) and makes you crave a new pair of sneakers.

In addition to testing different ad messages, test various text lengths. You might be surprised how less is more, especially in digital advertising.

EXPLAINER (whiteboard) VIDEO!

Whiteboard videos have their place (you should use them specifically and sparingly in most campaigns), however the unmistakable clarity and simplicity of whiteboard videos continues to engage millions of viewers, year after year. They could be a good fit for your product or service.

Here is one AMC did in 2016 for an auto repair shop.

AMC: simply Facebook


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